Pre-Valentines guest for your audience -- John D. Moore, author of 'Confusing Love with Obsession' is available for interviews. Confusing Love with Obsession by John D. Moore

Pre-Valentines guest for your audience -- John D. Moore, author of 'Confusing Love with Obsession' is available for interviews. Confusing Love with Obsession by John D. Moore

Contact Booksandauthors@aol. com or call 910-264-9628 This is an excellent Pre-Valentines guest for your audience

(PRWEB) January 23, 2003

TITLE: Confusing Love with Obsession

AUTHOR: John D. Moore: Author, Therapist, Professor, and Expert

Is it healthy love or a destructive obsession? How to recognize the warning signs that someone may be obsessed with you. Confusing Love with Obsession: When You Can't Stop Controlling Your Partner & the Relationship contains a myriad of case studies (with analysis) of both women and men who have engaged in extreme behaviors in a misguided attempt to exert control over another. As Matt Lamperd, features of American Health & Fitness Magazine says, "This book is a must read for anyone in a relationship - healthy or not!" Moore can address everything from supporting the person being controlled to offering guidance to the person doing the controlling - from identifying specific, controlling behaviors in personal relationships to pointing out "red flags" to persons being manipulated. Quite simply, he can help listeners to understand the hidden dynamics associated with controlling behaviors.

"John D. Moore rises to meet the challenge in his ambitious Confusing Love With Obsession. John approaches delicate and frightening conditions with masterful skill and compassionate tenacity. Readers be warned, this book will change your perceptions, and invoke an awareness of yourself and others in your circle. This book is a must-read for anyone involved in a relationship - healthy or otherwise." - American Health and Fitness Magazine.

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